

Access a collection of public documents related to the development of S34I project. Here, you’ll find reports, guides, and other resources to keep you informed and engaged. These materials are freely available for download to ensure transparency and keep you updated on our progress and plans.

D1.4 Data Management Plan I

This plan outlines HE data management, including formats, usage, sharing, and EC data compliance.

D1.9 Data Management Plan II

This plan outlines HE data management, including formats, usage, sharing, and EC data compliance.

D2.1: Strategic Planning Requirements for Modern Mining Ensuring Compliance with Sustainable Development at Regional and Local Scales

Conclusions on EU mine life-cycle: circularity, sustainability, and EO-based guidelines.

D3.1: Technical requirements for data harmonization and data infrastructures interoperability

Technical requirements for data compatibility and interoperability across remote sensing sources.

D3.2: Catalogue of Open High Added Value Datasets

Summary of research datasets including updated RM inventory, deposits, and waste potential for public release through EDGI.

D3.3: Catalogue of Innovative New Methods to Analyse Earth Observation Data

Summary of prototyped RM methods for mapping, monitoring, and modeling using EO data across mine life-cycle phases.

D4.1: Catalogue of EO-based Prototyped Services for CRM and non-CRM Deposits Mapping

Report on prototyped EO-based CRM Deposit Mapping services using a harmonised description sheet.

D4.2: Catalogue of EO-based Prototyped Services for Early Warnings

Report on prototyped EO-based Early Warning services using a harmonised description sheet.

D4.3: Catalogue of EO-based Prototyped Services for Environment Monitoring

Report on prototyped EO-based Environmental Monitoring services using a harmonised description sheet.

D6.1: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

Plan for CDE activities, standardization, scientific results, and future market uptake.

D6.2: Communication and Dissemination Materials

Report on project communication materials, CDE indicators, and scientific paper abstracts.