S34I project has participated in the “EU Supercluster Lapland Geoconference” held in Rovaniemi on 30th and 31st of October and organised by EIS HorizonEU project.
With this event, the organisers aimed to bring together a wide range of stakeholders, such as the European Commission, EU projects and other initiatives related to the raw materials sector; regional authorities; industrial representatives; exploration companies as well as other interested stakeholders, to discuss and exchange ideas on current technological challenges and topics within the sector.
Coordination Team from Universidade do Porto and different partners such as Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Montanuniversität Leoben, Aurum Exploration Services, Beak Consultants GmbH, VTT or Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) were also supporting the presence and dissemination of the project in this huge event which gathered more than 150 participants from all over the world.
Ana Cláudia Teodoro from UPORTO presented the techniques, methodologies and results of preliminary mapping in S34I pilot sites. The portuguese scientist also moderated a session in the second day agenda: “New Frontiers for exploration” .
Likewise, Maria Mavroudi from MUL dug into how EO technologies can shift the extractive sector towards sustainability considering the impact for local communities nearby mining areas.
Differente topics were discussed such as: Resource and reuse for energytransition, Technology-Based Impact Assessment for Deep-Sea mining, Community Engagement in mineral projects, and Data Availability in UNFC and UNRMS Implementation.
New projects, synergies, and useful acknowledge acquired! It’s been a very rewarding event in Lapland!
More information about the event HERE